E-book: Leveraging Quable's PIM for Effective International Deployments

Discover the E-book about how to have a successful internationalisation using a PIM and its ecosystem.

In this document, you will find the PIM basics, how to choose your PIM judiciously, how to plan your international strategy and equip your PIM with the most suitable tools. 

Discover solutions like Wezen to make your PIM’s content international. Internationalizing your content is not just about translation, it is about creating content that is globally impactful while being locally relevant

Quable has successfully emphasized the significance of PIM in managing and standardizing product information across various markets, ensuring data quality, and optimizing customer experience through international deployment.

Quable logo for Wezen's ebook
Quable PIM

PIM basics

Everything to know about a PIM is well-explained in this E-book. From data-management to time-to-market, you will find every piece of information you need about PIM organization.

Avantages of a PIM

Choose your PIM

Accessing the right PIM is vital to the success of any business. This E-book brings you all you need to know to select the right PIM when internationalising your e-commerce platform.

PIM ecosystem

Plan your International Strategy

Find the right solution to plan your international deployment. Having a strong PIM is good, using the right ecosystem is better. Choose a solution like Wezen to optimise time, cost and quality for your international deployment.  

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